How to excercise and advice to take into account 9

Practicing sport is a healthy habit and we should not abandon it. After lockdown, we have to follow some recommendations before returning to sports safely.

Which sports are recommended?

We recommend sports that have a low risk of coronavirus infection. The risk of contagion depends on the type of sport, but in general, it is recommended to avoid team sports and contact sports. There are low risk sports such as swimmnig, cicling, surfing, sailing, tennis, golf, athletics, skating, triathlon, etc, however sports such as squash or padel are considered risky becasuse of their close personal contact.

What physical preparation is required?

Physical preparation is recommended before returning to sport. Doing so  facilitates the ability to practise sport and prevents injuries. There are different training programmes depending on the desired sport, but  no matter the sport, training should always be done slowly and progressively in inintensity.

How to protect your self when you train

Follow hand hygiene recommendations. Try to avoid handling shared sports equipment, but if you can’t, clean it with alcohol before and after use.  Mantain social distancing (during training it should be at least 6 meters).  It is preferred that you do exercise * outdoors rather than in a gym or at home. This is because when we do sport, our breathing rate and respiratory volume increases, which also increases the volume and distance of particle dispersion. Coronavirus is spread via air droplets when we breathe out, it’s therefore fundamental that if we increase our respiratory rate we must also increase our distance of security (social distancing of 6 meters is recommended in running, increasing to 20 meters while cicling at average speed and 30 if cycling fast).

Must I excersice with a face mask on?

Masks are used as an effective protection against coronavirus but it has some inconvenience during training. Its use is recommeded depending on the situation and type of sport. For example, in indivual sport it is not necessary if we can mantain social distancing. However,  in team sports, surgical masks are recommended.

Can I safely return to normal exercise after recovering from coronavirus?

It is recommended that you contact your doctor and discuss whether you should complete cardiac testing before start training.

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